Orange County Fraud Defense Lawyer


Need an attorney for a fraud case? By law, criminal fraud is said to have been committed if the act that was made resulted in benefits that were either undeserved or obtained unfairly, or if the act that was committed caused harm or personal loss to another person. To further define acts of fraud, the state of California has recognized the most frequent motives behind such as acts and defined them as financial gain and / or the intent to escape criminal responsibility. That is not to say, however, that another means of fraud cannot be committed.

In fact, at the Law Office of Frances Prizzia, our lead Orange County criminal defense attorney has seen a number of white collar offenses that involve crimes of this nature, as well as those that extend beyond the confines of the examples listed above.

In the state of California, crimes of fraud are recognized as "wobbler" offenses. This means that the behaviors which have landed a defendant under criminal prosecution can be charged as a misdemeanor offense or a felony offense, depending on certain circumstances. These circumstances include the specific facts surrounding the case at hand, and the criminal history of the defendant who has been accused. There are some fraudulent offenses, however, that will always be charged as a felony, given the severity of the nature and intent behind them. No matter what, allegations of fraud to any degree must be addressed by a defense attorney whose skills can effectively protect against the potential penalties of a conviction.


There are many ways to commit an act of fraud; so many, in fact, that some individuals are unaware that their actions were fraudulent in nature at the time that they were committed.

To break it down, we have listed the most common types of fraudulent offenses that are committed in California:
  • Car insurance fraud
  • Check fraud
  • Credit card fraud
  • Financial fraud
  • Handicapped parking fraud
  • Health care fraud
  • Internet fraud
  • Mail fraud
  • Nursing home fraud
  • Securities fraud
  • Senior fraud
  • Unemployment insurance fraud
  • Vehicle registration fraud
  • Welfare fraud
  • Workers' compensation fraud


Forgery and identity theft can also be classified as acts of fraud. In fact, these two offenses often go hand in hand with one another. The forging of an official document usually involves some form of self-identification, thereby connecting the fraudulent attempt to forge a document as a simultaneous act of identity theft. As a result, persons who are charged of committing this type of fraud could be convicted for violation of the state's forgery laws, as well as the state's identity theft laws.

Among the most common types of fraudulent behaviors that involve both identity theft and forgery are the possession of a public seal, driver's license, or state ID card that is not your own. The state of California also has a False Personation Law which pertains to both of these criminal acts as well. If you're found guilty of any one of these offenses, or that of internet fraud, you could be facing serious penalties. Employing the professional efforts of an experienced and qualified defense attorney will allow for the best chances at escaping conviction, so you should not wait to speak with the Law Office of Frances Prizzia today.


At our office, a skilled legal representative is on hand to meet with you to discuss the circumstances which led to your arrest. Skilled in our efforts, and experienced in the defense that we've provided for many years , we feel confident in our ability to effectively defend you against the allegations of fraud that you're currently facing.

We offer a free consultation to all new clients. Call now for compassionate and dedicated defense.

Call us about your case today at
(714) 362-0157 for a
Free Confidential Consultation.

Our Newport Beach
5000 Birch Street, Suite 3000
Newport Beach, CA 92660

Phone: (714) 362-0157

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Frances Prizzia Criminal Defense Lawyers


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Our clients are our priority, we listen & have your best interests in mind. Our philosophy is that crime is simply a symptom of a bigger issue that should be addressed.

Reputation by Excellence

"Top 100 Trial Lawyers" by the National Trial Lawyers and Clients' Choice by Avvo.


Over 19+ Years of Criminal Defense Experience on your side.

Innovative & Determined

We think outside the box and never leave a stone unturned.

You're Not Just Another Client

You're in a difficult situation that requires attention. Our boutique legal team walks you through the legal process so you don't feel lost.


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