Looking for a lawyer for your stalking case in Orange County? A person charged with stalking can be in serious trouble. Stalking can be considered a misdemeanor or a felony and can lead to jail or prison time in a conviction. Stalking occurs when one crosses the line in a certain way that may be termed inappropriate. Your intentions may not be to harm the other person but the thin line between appropriate behavior and inappropriate behavior seems to diminish.
If the other person feels intimidated and feels like you may cause them harm they could file for a restraining order against you. If you have been investigated or arrested or charged with stalking you need to speak to an Orange County criminal defense attorney immediately.
With each additional charge of stalking you may be putting yourself in a difficult position in terms of the law. The circumstances surrounding your situation determine how serious your punishment is going to be. Hiring a lawyer early on in the process can help and protect you immensely. There are numerous charges associated with stalking, including following, harassing and threatening. Each with its own set of consequences.
*The maximum penalty for stalking is a five year prison sentence and the possibility of registering as a sex offender in California.
Causing bodily harm or threatening to kidnap or injure someone can additionally affect the severity of the punishment awarded. When the court decides that someone is being stalked, restraining orders may be issued to keep the stalker away.
Charged with stalking in Orange County, CA? The Law Office of Frances Prizzia will handle your case with great compassion. Regardless of the fact that you are being accused you still have certain rights. Our firm is dedicated to fighting on your behalf to protect you rights and your future. Your intentions may not have been to harm the other person, or you may have never committed the act at all.
You may not have realized when you crossed the line and landed yourself in this situation. We understand your position and believe you. We will do whatever it takes to get you out of this situation with minimum or no damage to your reputation. It is very important that you contact us early on to get best results.
Contact an Orange County stalking attorney if you have been accused of a stalking related offense.
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